European Educational Tools

 Generic U.S. method to improve scholastic

performance in ADD-ADHD kids

European method to improve scholastic

performance in ADD-ADHD kids

Reduce distractions by seating the student near you instead of a window.

Offering the child a topic-related and/or study-oriented environment that appeals to his/her senses for psychological stimulation according to Montessori rules (e.g. a feng shui school office combining harmonious colours, art, and an open view); effectively working to captivate his/her attention using roles, games, toys, and other child-specific tools to generate free involvement.

Communicate with parents and ask for their help. Keep a daily journal of behavior and progress notes to share with parents.

Advising the parent is done on a weekly plan. The parent-tutor communication is an important tool, but the core effort comes entirely from the tutor during this program. Psychological Q&A tests are run routinely and results are discussed with parents.

Teach the student how to use a scheduling and assignment book. Teach good study skills, including underlining, note-taking, and reading aloud to help with focus and information retention.

The program is designed to teach the student how to actually enjoy the learning process and to open himself/herself to a well-selected curriculum. Identifying the student’s innate skills, talents or inclinations is important in deciding the curriculum; freedom of spirit along with interactivity, and empathy are subtly employed to develop the student’s self-organization/self-assessment skills. 

Keeping instructions clear and brief, breaking down larger tasks into smaller, more manageable pieces.

The focus is on balancing the child’s own interests with the scholastic requirements — instead of forcing instruction on him/her. The child learns structure through meaningful interactive communication with the teacher and possibly other children. Etiquette and manners are covered along with gentle coaching.

Staying on the lookout for positive behaviors to praise, such as staying seated, not calling out, taking turns, etc.

Students receive incentives from the tutor for their performance (e.g. inexpensive but attractive gifts) and they are tested and graded in stimulating ways for their competitive responses. Curricula are flexible, according to students’ progress.

Pairing the student with a buddy to do an end-of-day checklist so the right books, materials, and other important stuff go home.

Students are better off learning proper habits from the teacher. Field trips and free events (painting/drawing lessons, cooking classes, literary contests) are offered in complex programs; students can meet, play together, and become friends during our events.

Being sensitive to self-esteem issues. Providing feedback to the student in private, not asking the student to perform difficult tasks in front of classmates. Asking the school counselor, psychologist, or special-ed teacher to help design behavioral programs to address specific problems in the classroom.

All ADHD students are taught individually. Teachers are certified in ADD-ADHD and dyslexia, trained and experienced in child psychology. The teacher’s priority is earning the ADHD student’s trust to find out the root of his/her behaviour and to correct that problem along with influencing his/her outlook. Lessons focus on developing the student’s healthy self-esteem by stimulating his/her intellectual strengths, artistic talents, positive moral traits, and innate aspirations in order to improve overall performance. Constructive social exposure plays an important role. 

Have brief, regularly scheduled exercise breaks and find opportunities for the student to be active, such as standing while working on assignments or delivering materials to the principal’s office.

Students are taught gradually how to control their impulses and they are encouraged to relax within polite limits. Breaks flow naturally into the schedule when the class topics are so interesting to students that they would wish to continue asking questions even during the breaks. Tools such as:  TV sources, media, music, poetry, a harmonious environment, meaningful communication, and expert counselling have resulted in improvements.


“We began bringing my 9-year-old son to Gabriela Anderson through a 6-month Diplomat Languages scholarship for French lessons in January of 2014. Brian was on an ADHD medicine since his public school recommended he be medicated, and the local doctors supported this with the prescription. Historically Brian was being disruptive in class and we were receiving notifications daily.

Upon the very first class, Gabriela ran some educational tests and assessed Brian and suggested his issues appeared to be circumstantial because he was attentive, logical and smart when he liked the material, and he only became disruptive when he was feeling uncomfortable. Moreover, Brian disclosed his frustrations, ambitions, his favourite school subjects. Gabriela is a believer in traditional education, so she strongly advised we stop immediately giving Brian the medication; which Brian, his 2 brothers, his mother and I totally wanted due to existing data on negative side effects. From that moment on, Brian has not been taking the ADHD medicine. His mother and I have done years of research and have experimented with diet and discipline to manage Brian’s behavior.  And we believe these things do help; however we experienced more growth in Brian after we started Gabriela’s program. I believe Brian needs the proper stimulation, curriculum, patience, environment and attention for him to be able focus and concentrate for longer periods of time. in order to train his mind to control himself. Gabriela’s program does just that; it is a focused 1-on-1 sessions uniquely tailored to each of her students.  She is extremely patient and driven to achieve success and progress with Brian and he has grown. Brian genuinely wants to learn so that Gabriela and his parents will be proud of him; this has been very motivating for Brian. Brian wants to do well in public school so that he will be rewarded in Gabriela’s class.

After a few weeks in French Class, Gabriela also wanted to work on Brian’s English, grammar and handwriting using classical literature and films. So now we split our 4-hour session between English and French. She is helping Brian prepare for the state required testing. Brian is making great advancements in both his English and French as well as in his self-control and manners and his behavior. I am genuinely thrilled to have Brian enrolled in this intensive European-method program and I would recommend it to anyone who is interested in learning languages.”

(Jon, Aikido Instructor – for his son Brian; English and French Intensive Program, 2014)